We undertake the installation of piping systems for different industrial branches (especially the oil and petrochemical industry, the chemical and pharmaceutical industry) through the application of unalloyed and high strength carbon steels, low alloyed creep- and hydrogen resistant steels and austenitic stainless steels.
Main references:
Installation of 5 filtersystems in a bearing factory (carbon / stainless steel pipelines, DN80-DN200)
ZF Lenksystem / Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany
Installation of 10 filtersystems for the automotive industry (carbon steel pipelines, DN25-DN600)
BMW / Birmingham, England
Mounting and installation of a filling plant and tank park (carbon / stainless steel pipelines, DN25-DN600)
Pannónia Ethanol Zrt. / Dunaföldvár, Hungary
Change of rubbered DN500-DN1600 pipelines in different power plants
DSD-Hilgers GmbH / Germany
Mounting and installation of the piping system for a high pressure (Pn=320 bar) desclaing equipment
ISD Dunaferr Zrt. / Dunaújváros, Hungary