Prefabrication, mounting and reconstruction of power plant concerning technology systems and support structures.
- Installation and mounting of equipment and pipe systems for different technologies
- Mounting of boiler parts and membrane walls
- Prefabrication, elevation and mounting of air- and smoke duct systems
- Mounting of steel structures
- Installation and mounting of heat exchangers
Main references:
Full range reconstruction of the boiler No8. in power plant Tatabánya (mounting of 365 tons boiler and pipe system, execution of 4200 pipe welds)
Bilfinger IT Hungary / Tatabánya, Hungary
Execution of pipesystems for power plant technology, made of creep resistant steel in sizes DN80-DN250
EWG AG / Neurath, Germany
Mounting of air and smoke duct systems for 1100 MW capacity power plant (mounted weight: 3200 tons, base material: carbon steel, 16Mo3)
Hitachi Power Europe GmbH / Datteln, Germany
Mounting of DeNOx and air duct systems for 1100 MW capacity power plant (mounted weight: 775 tons, base material: carbon steel, 16Mo3)
DSD Hilgers, RWE / Hamm, Germany
Air supply system of GE35 turbine – mounting of steel structures for air ducts (mounted weight: 250 tons, base material: carbon steel)
IGN Montivo Kft. / Linz, Austria
Kraftwerkbau Kft. |

Headquarter: H-3757 Teresztenye, Rákóczi Ferenc út 18.
Business site address: H-2316 Tököl, Csépi út 273.